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Founded in 1986, SQE is one of the world's largest suppliers of testing and quality assurance training offering a comprehensive array of training in the areas of testing, requirements, and management.
Acceptance Testing - How to plan and conduct sound user acceptance testing Acceptance testing is often treated as a phase located between programming and implementation. Testing is an activity necessary in all phases of a development or maintenance project. Responsibility for testing at different points in the project has to be clearly assigned with adequate resources committed to the testing effort. Analysts and designers must work closely with users in the acceptance testing of a system to ensure a quality product.
Practical Exercises and Case Study
A complete case study follows a project from initial appraisal through computer systems design with extensive team work. The project is part of an enhancement to the existing system of a major organization with both online and batch processing (no specific development methodology is used). In addition, delegates gain actual skills in testing the essential products of a systems development project from beginning through implementation. This material is equally applicable to new and replacement or maintained systems.
Automated Test Suites - How to build and manage automated test suites Why aren't automated tests a reality for most organizations? In an age of rapid development and increasingly complex environments, automation is the only real hope for achieving an acceptable level of test coverage. Yet, even with all of the tools and technology available, the overwhelming amount of testing is still done manually.
Software test automation reaps huge rewards. But if you've never done it before, you often must learn through trial and error. Who has time to make mistakes? The stakes are too high, and you can't afford technology that won't save you time and money. Now you can benefit from the experiences of many companies who have implemented automated testing -- what worked, what didn't, and why.
For Testers, Developers, Quality Consultants, and Software Managers If you have an on-line application that requires testing; if you have a testing tool or are considering the purchase of one; or if you are seeking ways to organize your team and test approach, this course provides the practical techniques and methods to help you get the job done effectively.
Creative Software Testing - Making the Best of Limited Testing Time It seems that there is never enough time to do all the testing we'd like to do. The problem just gets worse when the development schedule slips but the test schedule does not. At the same time, we worry that even if we did all the testing we planned, we still won't find the serious bugs that will affect users. To answer this universal problem, Creative Software Testing offers techniques for expanding our ideas of testing, then reducing all those ideas to a manageable set of tests.
Appropriate for novices and experienced testers alike, Creative Software Testing will show you how to be more creative in designing tests, negotiating the scope of testing, and finding the best use of the testing time you do have. Learn creative approaches for analyzing the software to be tested, imagining how customers might use it, examining how it might affect the rest of the system, and predicting what could go wrong in the process. Examine methods for reducing the set of tests to perform while reducing risk.
With real world stories and case studies, this practical, hands-on course offers immediately applicable insights and techniques. Classroom exercises give participants an opportunity to use the skills they're learning.
Managing the Test Process - Practical Tools and Techniques for Managing Hardware and Software Testing Based on his book, Managing the Testing Process, and nearly two decades of software, hardware, and systems experience, Rex Black covers the essential tools, important techniques, critical processes, significant considerations, and fundamental management skills for people who lead or manage development and maintenance test efforts.
In this three-day training seminar, learn about the development and use of the test plan, the test system, the bug tracking database, and the test tracking spreadsheet. Gain insight into the "people skills" needed to define your test team, hire the appropriate people, manage that team's relationships with peers and managers, and distribute test work to other participants. Explore contextual issues of test projects such as the economics of testing, the test effort within the project, hardware resource management, the test lab, and what test managers should know about testing hardware components.
Mastering Test Design - The Art and Science of Creating Test Cases This course picks up where most methodology courses end-test plans are written, test teams are formed, and test tools are selected. Then what? Testing everything is impossible. Test design is about wisely choosing an infinitesimal slice of the infinite continuum of possible test combinations. This course provides many techniques for picking a "smart" slice. Performance, Load, and Stress Testing - Issues and Solutions for Environmental Testing You have made a heroic effort to test a system under unreasonable deadlines with only limited test staff and equipment. You scrupulously ensure the features work as expected, and system performance seems fine in the test lab. So you release the system. A few days later, you receive a call from a senior user. You're expecting words of appreciation, but he can only moan about what you've done to him.
The features do work, but response time is way too slow in live operation. Or the system cannot handle peak loads and stresses. Or the system is not robust, and cannot routinely recover from errors. Whether you've already been there or you don't want to go there, this seminar is for you!
The Performance, Load, and Stress Testing seminar goes beyond the basics of feature testing to assure that your software works in its "live" production environment before users discover problems.
Systematic Software Testing - The proven Software Test and Evaluation Process (STEP) This seminar teaches the techniques necessary to shift from ad hoc, uncoordinated efforts to systematic, integrated software testing. It details a process that produces measurable results that can be incrementally improved. Testing is handled as an integral part of the development process (resulting in testware), using the same systems engineering discipline as software development.
Technical Reviews & Inspections - Find More Defects in Less Time: A Hands-on Course Many companies' software review and inspection programs fall far short of what is needed to positively impact software products and practices. This seminar demonstrates effective techniques for efficient, productive reviews. It provides students an opportunity to practice and gain valuable experience in various types of reviews and roles including moderator, presenter, tester and reviewer. Students leave with fresh insight about what good reviews mean and a complete set of supporting material including sample procedures, checklists, and standards.
Test Management - What every test manager needs to know This course provides the essential framework for successful test management. It focuses on two key areas: (1) the development and management of a successful testing organization and team; and (2) the development of an effective test strategy. This strategy is built around the development of two key documents: a comprehensive test plan and corresponding test report.
Test Process Improvement - A practical guide to optimize your testing This course deals with the TPI model, which is based on current state-of-the-art test process improvement practices. This model provides practical guidelines for assessing the maturity level of testing in an organization and for step-by-step improvement of the process. The TPI model consists of 20 key areas, each with different levels of maturity. The levels of all key areas are set out in a maturity matrix. Each level is described by several checkpoints. Improvement suggestions, which help to reach a desired level, are part of the model.
The model will be explained in detail: scope, characteristics, key areas, requirements (checkpoints) for the different levels of maturity, test maturity matrix, assessment, relation between the key areas and how to select priorities, improvement suggestions, change process, etc.
This course provides a real-life case study to practice a change process in which students will learn how to apply TPI.
Testing Object-Oriented Software - How to plan and execute object-oriented testing In the highly iterative environment characteristic of many object-oriented projects, developers are called upon to develop system-level tests and system testers are expected to support and review the component-level testing process. This course helps integrate the development and testing processes to support object-oriented projects.
Practical Insight & Techniques
Students learn how to create and execute effective tests-- both component- level and system-level -- for object-oriented software systems. The course provides an overview of object-oriented concepts and covers organizational issues for the testing process introduced by the iterative, incremental nature of most object-oriented projects.
Exercises and case studies convey specific techniques for testing object components and entire systems -- including ways to accommodate the information hiding and polymorphic properties of objects and to exploit the inheritance relationships between classes.
Web Performance and Security Testing - Performance, Scalability, Reliability, and Security Many organizations are seeking to deploy mission-critical Web sites and applications that are intended to attract large numbers of visitors, often with significant revenue associated with the activity. This training course seeks to help developers and test managers already experienced in testing small-scale Web sites understand the technologies needed to make Web sites more scalable, secure, and reliable.
Web/eBusiness Testing - Functional, Usability, Navigation, and Compatibility Test Issues Many testers and test managers are being asked to make the transition from testing traditional client/server, PC, and/or mainframe environments to testing rapidly changing Web site. This seminar seeks to help those making the transition by explaining these new technologies and suggesting test cases and techniques that can be included in a Web site's Site Navigation, Functional, Usability, and Performance test plans.
Using the experiences of SQE's own internal Web Testing Team and its consultants' testing experience, SQE has developed a Web testing seminar aimed at assisting those organizations who are testing Web sites that range in complexity from initial--BrochureWare-- sites to those handling full blown eBusiness.
Web Security Testing On-Site Training - Increase your flow of information while decreasing your security risks Do you want to give your business partners, customers, or electorates controlled access to information via the Web? Many organizations are in the process of Web enabling their mission-critical business processes in order to create a more user-friendly, cost-effective, and flexible tool for customers, whether they're inside the company or out.
Unfortunately, one side effect of connecting an organization's existing or new computer system to the Web is the potential for unauthorized access. In today's technological landscape, this access can be gained by an intruder located just about anywhere in the world. To combat this likelihood, here's a one-day training course that helps developers, testers, and managers understand the technologies and fundamental testing techniques needed to test the security of a Web site and/or Web application.
Writing Testable Requirements - Producing requirements that reduce effort and cost Inferior requirements significantly increase the cost of system development and the time required to deliver an application. Writing Testable Requirements focuses on problem avoidance -- how to write requirements accurately the first time.
The seminar furnishes guidelines for describing software specifications processes and data, ensuring that requirements have the detail needed to produce test cases. This same information is critical to designers, developers and technical writers. The techniques can be applied to requirements written to various company or industry standards. The seminar also addresses compliance with common industry guidelines and the effects of automated repositories on requirements writing styles.
The first state of this field-proven requirements process -- the project blast-off -- defines the scope and objectives of the project and ensures that you have a viable project. Requirements are elicited using a variety of techniques -- all of them explained and demonstrated in the seminar. Before requirements can be written into the specification, they must pass through the Quality Gateway. Here you apply a number of tests to ensure that the requirement is correct, viable, complete and has an appropriate fit criterion. The fit criterion is a measurement of the requirement that objectively allows you to know whether the eventual implementation matches precisely to the customer's original requirement. Requirements Modeling - Using requirements models for analysis and validation All engineering disciplines use models to develop the products they intend to build. Requirements models clarify the functional and datarequirements for software systems.
Whether you consider eliciting requirements to be a separate activity or part of systems analysis, correct (or incorrect) requirements can determine the outcome of your software project. Building accurate models can guarantee the correctness of your requirements.
Requirements models play and integral part in the discovery of requirements. Once discovered, the requirements are clarified and proven by applying the modeling rules. Once verified, the requirements models are used as specifications for the builders of the system.
The purpose of this seminar is to prepare participants to apply the emerging discipline of Risk Management to software efforts. Learn to identify and quantify the specific uncertainties that threaten project success and to contain, mitigate or eliminate their impact. Discover how to manage risks that lead to missed deadlines, budget excesses, and unacceptable product quality.
Entry updated April 4, 2002.
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