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You can help make sure continues to be available as a community resource by buying advertising. Note that the detailed listings are still available free of charge. Ads appear on the right side of the page.

There are two types of text ads on, plus plain text ads in Testing FAQ News described further down.

  • Floating PPC (pay per click) ad, US$0.20 per clickthrough. Ads will be placed on pages based on performance and availability, and there is no guarantee that the ad will appear on any particular page. Floating ads will typically appear on more than one page at a time. These ads will use the "rel=nofollow" HTML tag that will cause some search engines not to follow the link. This will reduce the number of clickthroughs you are charged for but this also means the links will not increase your search engine ranking.
  • Page sponsor, US$150 per month for the home page or US$40 per month for any other page. The ad will always be present on the selected page during the ad campaign. Page sponsor ads will be shown above floating PPC ads, if any, and will rotate their position with other page sponsor ads on the same page, if any. Page sponsor ads will be visually distinct from other ads. Clickthroughs for page sponsor ads are unlimited, and the links will be spidered and indexed by search engines. When all spots on a page are filled with page sponsors, you can ask to be added to a waiting list - pages most likely to be sold out are the home page, Load & Performance Tools page, and the Defect Tracking Tools page.

The example on the right shows four ads placed on a page, two of which are page sponsor ads. The ads would rotate their position at least once a day. You may use a hybrid ad for maximum exposure, with one or more page sponsor placements combined with a PPC placement on the other pages.

Text ads must be relevant to the audience and must be approved by the maintainer. The ad text must mention the product name and/or the advertiser name. Ads may not use hyperbole, such as "This is the best widget tester on the market." Please use the text ad checker tool to see if your ad meets the size guidelines, then copy each field into an email to .

Text ads go on the right side of a page, visible without scrolling for a typical browser maximized on a 1024x768 pixel screen. The font family and size for the ad content may be changed without notice. There is a 100 character maximum (counting spaces). Up to the first 50 characters will be bold and will link to a URL that you specify. Line endings in the body of the ad may be adjusted as long as the heading and body do not exceed three text lines on the page. No other markup is allowed. Ad positions will be rotated within each page. Your link will be bounced through a tracking mechanism unless you have a page sponsor ad and request a direct link.

Ad text may be changed as often as once a week. You may pay via PayPal, direct credit card authorization for Visa/Mastercard/Discover/Amex, or a check or money order denominated in US dollars. Ads must be pre-paid.

One advertising spot is also available in each issue of Testing FAQ News, which goes to more than 4000 opt-in subscribers. The ad will be placed in the top third of the newsletter, above the change log listing. This ad placement is US$200 per issue and is formatted like so:

body line 1 up to 72 characters
body line 2 up to 72 characters
body line 3 up to 72 characters
http://your url here
 And now a word from our sponsors...
Page Sponsor
Ad headline goes here - Additional text goes here with a max of 100 characters counting the headline.
Page Sponsor
Ad headline goes here - Additional text goes here with a max of 100 characters counting the headline.
Ad headline goes here - Additional text goes here with a max of 100 characters counting the headline.
Ad headline goes here - Additional text goes here with a max of 100 characters counting the headline.
(click here for details about advertising)

updated 2008-12-03

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